Correlation between social skills and self-esteem in a sample of Chilean higher education students belonging to the northern macro zone during the return to face-to-face classes




self-esteem, late adolescence, Chile, correlation, social skills


The present study sought to investigate the relationship between social skills and self-esteem. The research design was non-experimental, cross-sectional, and correlational-causal. The data was collected through a Google Forms form in which the instruments were included, these were the "Rossemberg Self-Esteem Scale" and the "Gismero Social Skills Scale". A direct correlation was found between the constructs used, where social skills scores explained 30% of self-esteem scores. Additionally, the null hypothesis in the correlation between gender of the participants and social skills was rejected, since the female participants obtained lower scores in that construct. While, for the correlation between sex and self-esteem, the null hypothesis was accepted. Finally, it was concluded that low levels of social skills serve as a good predictor of self-esteem, it was also found that the correlation between gender and social skills, added to other factors, imply a deficit of these skills in the female population. which perpetuates patriarchal aspects and limits essential aspects of women's social life.


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How to Cite

Correlation between social skills and self-esteem in a sample of Chilean higher education students belonging to the northern macro zone during the return to face-to-face classes. (2023). Revista Estudios Psicológicos, 3(2), 50-62.

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