Positive Existential Education: from feeling good and flourishing through suffering towards existential openness





existential education, positive psychology, everyday life


This document focuses on the proposal of a psychology that accompanies, guides, and mobilizes the person towards well-being, human development, and social change, from a non-biomedical paradigm, but rather a comprehensive, exploratory, and reflective one. For this, an approach to two positive proposals in psychology was started, which are the PERMA view (Positive Emotions, Commitment, Positive Relationships, Meaning and Achievement in English) of Seligman and the view of the Self-transcendence of Wong, to later enter into the proposal of Restriction and Existential Opening that has been investigated by Mayorga-González. To conclude, existential openness not only ends up being a concept of reflection on existence, but also the possibility of moving people to a state of well-being that strengthens their mental health.

Author Biography

  • José Mayorga, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

    Doctor en Pensamiento Complejo, con Maestria en Intervención Social, Psicólogo con formación en Logoterapia y Analisis Existencial, Investigador y Divulgador de la Logoterapia para la Vida y Psicologia Existencial Positiva en diferentes contextos como pareja, familia, infancia, trabajo, política, urbanismo-ruralidad y situaciones limites. Autor de Diferentes libros y articulos de reflexión e investigación, Fundador y Director del Centro de Estudio Cafexistencial Avalado por el Viktor Emil Frankl-Austria


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How to Cite

Positive Existential Education: from feeling good and flourishing through suffering towards existential openness. (2022). Revista Estudios Psicológicos, 2(3), 42-51. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.rep.2022.03.003

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