The stigma of non-binary identities and post-traumatic stress disorder. A critical review of the literature




gender, identification, inclusion, nonbinary identities, PTSD


Non-binary (NB) identities do not fully identify with binary gender constructs (male or female). The recognition of these identifications must be part of the social inclusion objectives of any democracy that respects gender self-determination as an essential element of the right to individual and social freedom. In general, they are at increased risk for symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicidality, exposure to interpersonal trauma, substance use disorders, and anxiety. This article analyzes and highlights the importance of identifying and eliminating the association of non-binary gender identity with social discrimination and risk factors associated with PTSD. Although very few studies include these models, more family, social, and psychoeducational research, and programs are needed to promote diversity and equality through adaptive responses, gender identity models, social connection, community support, normalization, and legislative recognition.

Estadísticas del Artículo

Author Biography

  • Susana Merino-Lorente, Pablo de Olavide University

    Profesora en Bircham International University (BIU). Universidad del Atlántico Medio (UNIDAM) y Formación Universitaria Institución Académica líder en formación Online. Licenciada en Psicología especialidad clínica y Másters Pisológía. Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO). Autora de dos libros publicados en la Editorial Verbum además de distintos artículos y comunicaciones científicas. 


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How to Cite

Merino-Lorente, S. (2023). The stigma of non-binary identities and post-traumatic stress disorder. A critical review of the literature. Revista Estudios Psicológicos, 3(1), 76-85.