Understanding the experiences of playful games in five-year-old children in an educational institution in Antioquia, Colombia





education, game, play, technology


Playful games are a fascinating topic due to their importance in social and cognitive development in today's society. This study seeks to understand the experiences of 5-year-old children in an educational institution in Antioquia, Colombia. A qualitative phenomenological methodology was used, the information was collected through an in-depth interview, the data was analyzed through open and axial coding, ending with conclusions and discussions. It was concluded that children feel an important taste for playful games, and their use is constant in the school context.

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How to Cite

Padilla, E., & Andrade, Y. (2022). Understanding the experiences of playful games in five-year-old children in an educational institution in Antioquia, Colombia. Revista Estudios Psicológicos, 2(1), 61-73. https://doi.org/10.35622/j.rep.2022.01.004

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