The poem "The pain of the night" by José María Eguren from the perspective of discourse analysis




Analysis, discourse, pragmatics, semiotics


The objective of this work was to determine the meaning of the poem “El dolor de la noche” by José María Eguren from the perspective of discourse analysis. This research corresponds to the qualitative approach and is descriptive. The method used to analyze the poem was hermeneutics and as a technique the analysis of poetic discourse that encompassed the textual, enunciative, semiotic and pragmatic dimension. As a result, the sadness and suffering caused by the loss of a loved one is evident, finding the subject in a state of loneliness, expressing messages of remorse and will go for what he lost and did not know how to live at the time.


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How to Cite

The poem "The pain of the night" by José María Eguren from the perspective of discourse analysis. (2021). Revista Estudios Psicológicos, 1(1), 7-19.

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